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Schweizer Bevollmächtigter

Vertreten durch Decomplix als Ihr Schweizer Bevollmächtigter (CH-REP), ermöglichen wir Ihren Marktzugang in der Schweiz. Unser hohes Compliance-Niveau und regulatorisches Wissen wurden 2022 durch eine Swissmedic-Inspektion bestätigt. Decomplix gehört zu den wenigen CH-REPs ohne Nichtkonformität.

Mehr zu unserer CH-REP-Dienstleistung

Compliance für Schweizer Importeure von Medizinprodukten

Wir bieten Ihnen Beratung, Schulung und gebrauchsfertige Vorlagen für Verfahren, Checklisten und andere Hilfsmittel für den gesetzeskonformen Import von Medizinprodukten in die Schweiz. Unsere ausgewiesenen Experten stimmen die Prozesse gemeinsam mit Ihnen auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zum Festpreis ab.

Mehr zu unserer Importeur-Dienstleistung

100+ Unternehmen mit Medizinprodukten und In-vitro-Diagnostika jeder Art und Grösse vertrauen Decomplix — vom Start-up bis zum Konzern, von der Schweiz bis rund um den Globus.

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Regulatory Affairs News



Overhauled Swissmedic’s information sheet on Medical Device Software, significantly expanded from the previous version with:

  • Important new section on Class I medical device software (MDSW), outlining possible MDSW functionality that would classify as Class I under the Swiss MedDO. This represents a shift in Swissmedic’s traditionally conservative approach to MDSW and places Swissmedic’s interpretation ahead of the expected review of EU’s MDCG 2019-11 planned for late 2024.
  • Regulatory requirements in terms of General Safety & Performance Requirements (GSPRs), technical documentation, clinical/performance evaluation, and labelling & UDI, in alignment with the EU MDR/IVDR.
  • Brief references to MDSW distance sales, economic operators obligations, and post-market obligations.
  • Updated and clearer references to the legal framework in Switzerland, also pointing to EU legislation, MDCG guidelines, and potentially applicable standards.


European Commission

New MDCG documents published:

MDCG 2022-9 rev.1 Summary of Safety Performance template (for IVDs) update Rev. 1

  • Clarification on when the SSP should be made available to patients

MDCG 2024-4 Safety reporting in performance studies (for IVDs)

  • Reporting obligations of the sponsor due to adverse events
  • Reporting method, types of events, and pathways

MDCG 2024-5 Investigator’s Brochure contents for clinical investigations

  • Guidance provided on topics covered in EU MDR Annex XV, section 2.7
  • Appendix A – cross-referencing Annex XV is separately published as Word doc.

European Commission

A Study and a dashboard on the reprocessing and reuse of single-use-devices in the EU have been published:



The preliminary update of SCHEER guidelines on the benefit-risk assessment of the presence of phthalates in certain medical devices has been published for public consultation. It describes:

  • the evaluation of possible alternatives for phthalates used in medical devices, including alternative materials, designs, or medical treatments,
  • the methodology for performing a benefit-risk assessment, justifying keeping the presence of CMR and endocrine-disrupting phthalates at percentages above 0.1% w/w.



New version of Guidance document for Export Certificates with minor clarification amendment to section 4.6.2 on Devices according to applicable legislation


EU-CH negotiations

Last week the Swiss Federal Council signed off the mandate to resume negotiations with the European Union on bilateral agreement. You can read more about this here:

Although it is not stated clearly, these negotiations aim to reach an agreement by the end of 2024. We estimate that the mandate may take 2-3 more years to be agreed or even disregarded, as Swiss politics are known to be extremely cautious and, even if there is a majority in the Swiss parliament, the proposed mandate will be subject to referendum. Our take from the resumed bilateral negotiations is that the requirement to appoint a SAR/CH-REP will be maintained at least in the mid-term.


European Commission

MDCG just published its MDCG guidance development plan for 2024

  • Amongst the new, long-awaited documents: updated Vigilance forms, extended guidance on PMS and Vigilance for IVDs, guidance on IVD borderline issues and even RUO (Research Use Only), and guidance on Master UDI-DI.
  • Also, extensive work on documents for notified bodies is expected in Q2 2024.
  • And, for software, a “targeted revision” of MDCG 2019-11 (relative to medical device software qualification and classification), FAQs on the interrelation of EU MDR/IVDR and the new AI Act, as well as new guidance on the legal status of app providers, all three due by Q4 2024, sound promising.


Overhauled Swissmedic’s information sheet on Medical Device Software, significantly expanded from the previous version with:

  • Important new section on Class I medical device software (MDSW), outlining possible MDSW functionality that would classify as Class I under the Swiss MedDO. This represents a shift in Swissmedic’s traditionally conservative approach to MDSW and places Swissmedic’s interpretation ahead of the expected review of EU’s MDCG 2019-11 planned for late 2024.
  • Regulatory requirements in terms of General Safety & Performance Requirements (GSPRs), technical documentation, clinical/performance evaluation, and labelling & UDI, in alignment with the EU MDR/IVDR.
  • Brief references to MDSW distance sales, economic operators obligations, and post-market obligations.
  • Updated and clearer references to the legal framework in Switzerland, also pointing to EU legislation, MDCG guidelines, and potentially applicable standards.


European Commission

New MDCG documents published:

MDCG 2022-9 rev.1 Summary of Safety Performance template (for IVDs) update Rev. 1

  • Clarification on when the SSP should be made available to patients

MDCG 2024-4 Safety reporting in performance studies (for IVDs)

  • Reporting obligations of the sponsor due to adverse events
  • Reporting method, types of events, and pathways

MDCG 2024-5 Investigator’s Brochure contents for clinical investigations

  • Guidance provided on topics covered in EU MDR Annex XV, section 2.7
  • Appendix A – cross-referencing Annex XV is separately published as Word doc.

European Commission

A Study and a dashboard on the reprocessing and reuse of single-use-devices in the EU have been published:



The preliminary update of SCHEER guidelines on the benefit-risk assessment of the presence of phthalates in certain medical devices has been published for public consultation. It describes:

  • the evaluation of possible alternatives for phthalates used in medical devices, including alternative materials, designs, or medical treatments,
  • the methodology for performing a benefit-risk assessment, justifying keeping the presence of CMR and endocrine-disrupting phthalates at percentages above 0.1% w/w.



New version of Guidance document for Export Certificates with minor clarification amendment to section 4.6.2 on Devices according to applicable legislation

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